Thursday, October 17, 2013

3,000 views, 1 dollar, Hundreds of changed lives

Together, we can improve the lives of an entire community.
3,000 views, 1 dollar, hundreds of lives forever changed.

To donate to this amazing cause, click HERE

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

SnapHack Lets You Save Snapchats... Secretly.

Are you comfortable sending embarrassing or possibly even naughty Snapchats? Well, you shouldn't be. Because the people you have been sending those images to could be using SnapHack. Might want to think twice before sending that picture!

^^^ I do this all the time, so God knows where my pictures will end up.

SnapHack Pro designed by Darren Jones (independent app designer), saves any photo a person sends through Snapchat without the sender's knowledge. So BASICALLY, it defeats the purpose of Snapchat. The catch is that you have to open the images through SnapHack and not Snapchat. Which is really not hard at ALL. Annnnd... it's not free. But if you're realllllly that desperate... I mean he/she was hott, right? 

"I wanted to prove that nothing was 100 percent secure once uploaded to the Internet," Jones told Mashable . He said he wants to point out the "dangers in sending images that you don't want people to see."

Regardless, people can take screenshots of the image on Snapchat ANYWAYS. But, this time, you won't even know they have the image! Which can be a little freaky!

"Ideally Snapchat will just put a system in place to stop people being able to save images in this way or any other," Jones said.
 Jones has already submitted a new version of the app to Apple allows users to send saved Snapchats to other Snapchat users or through email. The updated version should be available soon!

 Because that picture could end up in the wrong hands...or phone. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

We're Building a Water-Well!!!

Help us improve the quality of life for an entire community!

My little sister and I have decided to team up to raise money to build a well for a community in Ghana. Everyday, people are dying because they don't have access to clean water. Please help us raise this money so we can help change some lives forever!!! Know that even the smallest gift helps and that you will have a hand in improving the quality of life for someone in need. Thank you so much.

To donate, please click HERE :)))

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Eminem's daughter, mating season, and a billion dollar online drug black market!

Can you imagine if you found out that your roommate ran a BILLION DOLLAR online drug black market? I can! 

Check out this week's crazy news!

Monday, October 7, 2013

7 Reasons Why You Need to See Gravity

Reasons You Need To See GRAVITY 

Last night, I saw the movie Gravity with a group of friends at a local IMAX theatre. Gravity is an eerie and tense scifi thriller that is masterfully directed and visually stunning.

 With that said, you need to see this movie on the largest screen you possibly can because
1. The special effects were OUT OF THIS WORLD. *dun dun chhh*  I can thank my dad for that one. At one point, Clooney's character literally tells us to sit back and take in the view. When you're staring at the screen, you can't help but feel like you are really hovering above the earth and taking in all of its glory.

2.  Oh, did I mention the movie is only an hour and half? So for all of you impatient movie goers, you're only in there for a whopping 91 minutes. So you can get back to texting your friend. 

3. And for all of my lady- readers, George Clooney is SO HOTT. Just look at him!  Not to mention his use of charm and humor to stay light hearted in a serious situation is so so so sexy. 

4. For all of my manly readers, Sandra Bullock DEFINITELY did her squats for this movie. I mean, for real though, you have to see that thing. 

5. It's money well spent. You need to go that extra mile and watch it in IMAX 3D because it really is that visually impressive. ( And I'm not just talking about Sandra's booty.)

6.  Although some of the distances of satellites and such might be off, astronauts agree that this movie is a great way to "bring their families to space" with them. Therefore, it has been approved by people who have ACTUALLY been to space. THAT IS COOL.

7.  Lastly, according to an article on USA today, James Cameron has called it "the best space film ever done" after seeing it in Venice.  Many others keep chattering about the positive buzz of the movie, and that it's the "perfect combination" of two huge loved stars, plus the massive hook of two people lost in space! Not to mention, USA TODAY critic Claudia Puig gives the film four stars out of four.

To wrap this thing up, GRAVITY is a must-see. It's filled with amazing visuals, sexy people, plausible situations, and it's not too time consuming. Why WOULDN'T you see it? So go ahead, give it a shot!

Watch the trailer! 

Find theaters and showtimes HERE:

Eminem's Daughter Crowned Homecoming Queen

Rapper Eminem's 17 year old daughter, Hailie Scott was crowned Homecoming Queen at Chippewa Valley High school in Clinton Township, Michigan. 

(A screen shot from a local news report showing Homecoming Queen Halie Scott and Homecoming King Tyler Knepp)

Her famous father was actually ON SITE during the crowning. He was reportedly being held inside of the school so he could see the crowning of his daughter without "stealing her moment."  

Now that's love, baby. One parent said Eminem was beaming with pride even though he was keeping out of sight. “He opened the door and looked out like - ‘That’s my daughter!’ He just looked like a proud father,” the parent said. Eminem has publicly announced his love and devotion for his daughter through his music. Hailie's voice was even included when she was a little girl on his track “My Dad’s Gone Crazy,”  in 2002. 

This story is super close to home to me  (no pun intended) because Chippewa Valley was my high school, and I myself was once Homecoming queen there. This is such an exciting moment for Hailie and I think it is a beautiful thing that Chippewa is getting some good publicity. Hailie Scott is known and loved by her entire student body, and not because of her famous father. But, simply because of her involvement in the school and her positive attitude toward others. "I think all of the kids in the district have shown respect to their family and just let her live a normal life here out of the spotlight."  One parent said.  "I think that speaks very highly of the Chippewa Valley community to not try to take advantage of their fame."

Not to mention, they also had an incredible Homecoming King, Tyler Knepp. A self-described nerd who loves music and star trek. Tyler has lived down the street from me for years, and comes from a beautiful family!  In fact, in a brief interview I had with Tyler, he said he will be playing Edna Turnblad in the school's upcoming musical, a member Varsity choir, a member of a band called Escape Plan (which he has been in for 5 years by the way), and has big plans for his future! 

Check out Tyler's band Escape Plan's music HERE 

Chippewa Valley School district is a great community with incredible students. This year's homecoming queen and king surely represent Chippewa the way it should be represented. Congratulations Hailie Scott and Tyler Knepp, you deserve it! 

SNL Parody: Miley Cyrus "We Did Stop"

If you haven't seen this yet, you probably should.

Friday, October 4, 2013

The End of Instagram?-- Introducing Snapchat Stories

Would you rather look at two pictures from an awesome trip a person had today? Or ten pictures that you only have 20 seconds to see? For this reason, people are predicting that it is possible that Snapchat Stories might be the new Instagram. 

Introducing: Snapchat Stories

Good news for all of you who post twenty pictures a day on Instagram! With Snapchat stories, you can string together a narrative of your day. These stories can be viewed many times before the day ends. The clips are removed individually as the time limit closes in, while newer pictures are added to the end of your story! You can go on adventures with the people you love without them having to be there physically to witness the amazingness! 

"Your Story always plays forward because it makes sense to share moments in the order you experience them."

It sounds great! But, here are my issues

Although Snapchat Stories sounds great in theory, is this actually a good idea?  Can you imagine how many accidental nudies will be in people's "stories"? Can we delete our stories before it's too late? You know that one naughty picture you meant to send your boyfriend? Whoops! You accidentally saved it to your stories. EVERYONE CAN SEE IT NOW. YOUR NEW NICKNAME IS SUDDENLY FARRAH ABRAHAM. Okay, I took that a little too far. However, that is a legitimate fear to have, right? But, what about enjoying the moment of simply doing what you are doing? Although I LOVE pictures, there are just moments in life you don't always need a camera. Not everyone needs to see your whole life... all the time. Maybe we need to set our phones down, and actually enjoy the dinner date with your friends instead of taking pictures of how it WOULD have looked like if you were ACTUALLY having fun. Just a little something to consider. 

Overall, I think that Snapchat Stories is a good idea. However, I am really curious to know how much this will actually affect the world of social media!

Do you think that Snapchat Stories is the "new Instagram"? Or do you think they will remain separate and unique?
Comment or tweet me what you think! @jessicoops

Two Year Old Gives Birth? Say what?

Check out my newest video!
Justin Beiber, Giant Hornets, Government Shutdown, and A Pregnant 2 Year Old!

Siri's Voice Actor Comes Forward

Imagine if your voice became one of the most widely recognized voices in the world. I imagine myself sitting on a bus in a foreign country and the person next to me asks Siri a question. I would probably look at them knowing that they have not even a clue that was my voice coming out of their phone. I mean, why would they think anything of it?  

Just the other day, I was holding my iPhone asking Siri ridiculous questions when the thought occurred... "whose voice is this?" Oddly enough, only two days later, a woman by the name of Susan Bennett stepped forward and talked to CNN about her experience as being one of the most widely recognized voices in the world. 

When Susan recorded a series of recordings for one of her clients, being the voice of "Siri" was not something on her agenda. "The Siri voices were recorded in 2005 in the month of July, four hours a day for the whole month. When I recorded those voices, I had absolutely no idea where they would end up." Bennett said in the interview. 

It was not until her friend had purchased the new iPhone and heard the voice of Siri and asked Susan "Isn't this you?" Siri is not the first place you might have heard Susan's voice. Susan's voice was also used for the first ATM machine, Tillie the All-time Teller. She was also a voice for Delta airlines, and many gps and telephone systems. 

Now that I know Siri is a real voice, I'm constantly wondering who the people are that I see every day. Was that man at the stop sign the voice for the ads on my computer? Or maybe that woman at the mall owns the piano that was recorded for my keyboard. We never really know who the strangers are that we're sitting next to. 

Because perhaps they are one of the most famous people in the world. 
And you don't even know it. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

About That Government Shutdown - Student Edition

Time to run around naked everybody! Well, not quite. I might not be a political science major, but as a student and a citizen of this country, I believe it is important to stay up to date on politics to an extent. I found that as I looked up information about the shutdown that nothing seemed to get to the point as to what it meant for me. So this one goes out to everyone like me that just wants to get down to brass tax and scroll through the stuff they don't understand. 

So what does the government shutdown mean for YOU?

Health: National Institutes of Health are not accepting new patients for clinical research. They are also not answering hotline calls about medical questions. So if you have health questions, you must see your doctor. It sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do! 
Housing: The Department of Housing and Urban Development cannot provide local housing authorities with more money for housing vouchers. The nation's 3,300 public housing authorities also will not receive payments.
Immigration: The E- Verify program with the Department of Homeland Security will no longer be operating. So what does this mean for you? Probably not a whole lot. However, Businesses will not be able to check on the legal immigration status of prospective employees during the shutdown. So somebody might be getting out of jail free by crossing the border without a problem! Woohoo! Yay illegal immigrants! 

Law enforcement:  The FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency will still be rippin' and runnin'. However, the JUSTICE department ( I always think of the crimson chin from Fairly Odd Parents whenever I say "justice"), will suspend cases for the duration of time the government is shut down. 
Parks and museums: More than 400 National parks are now closed. So do not plan a trip to Yosemite because you won't get in. Or if you're planning a relaxing trip to Alcatraz in San Fran, you won't get in either. Many museums are closed too, including the Statue of Liberty. Which totally sucks if that's like the ONE THING you came to New York to see this month.  So yeah, don't go to those places. 

Regulatory agencies: The Environmental Protection Agency will close down almost completely during a shutdown. To be honest, I am not sure what this part entails, so look it up. 
Financial regulators. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which oversees the vast U.S. derivatives market, will shut down for the most part. Securities and Exchange Commission, will stay open along with a few other financial regulators. How relevant is this to you? Not sure, but you should probably know it. 
(certain parts of) Social Security: The Social Security Administration will be staffed enough to make sure the checks keep going out. But, they will not have enough employees to help with more serious issues. 
Visas and passports: No worries, you can still get a passport! Passport agencies and consular operations will remain open as long as it has enough money to do so. However, some activities might be interrupted if a passport agency is located in a government building affected by a lapse in appropriations. Also, the State Department plans to continue processing visas through the shutdown, mostly because those operations are largely funded by collecting fees. So have fun on Study abroad! Quit crappin' your pants. 
Veterans:  Assuming most of my readers are young, this won't affect you really. But, if you know some Veterans, tell them that some key benefits will continue and that VA hospitals will stay open. However,  The Veterans Benefits Administration will not be able to process education and rehabilitation benefits. The Board of Veterans' Appeals will be unable to hold hearings. Even worse, if the shutdown continues, 3.6 veterans could be affected because the Department of Veteran affairs said that it may not have enough money to pay pension payments and disability claims. 
Women, Infants, and Children:  If you are pregnant or a new mom, READ CLOSELYThe Department of Agriculture is cutting off support for the Women, Infants and Children program, which helps pregnant women and new moms buy healthy food and provides nutritional information and health care referrals.  If this shutdown continues, the program can only sustain itself for a week or so. The emergency funds would run out before October. So stock up now! That, or don't get pregnant. Just kidding. Kind of. 
Okay! So I have tried to sum up what this shutdown nonsense means for your life. I hope I helped a little bit! I know it's all very confusing. But alas, I am here to help.  

If you like how I write, you should hear how I talk! Hah! Check out my Youtube channel by clicking HERE. :)