Tuesday, December 17, 2013

7 Reasons to Compliment Total Strangers

Hey you! You look great today! Yes, you!

Now'a'days, we live in an increasingly insular society. Anywhere you go, you see people plugged into their phones, e-readers and magazines. Head to the mall or starbucks and you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who wants to talk with, look at, or even open the door for you. And that’s totally cool because we do it too!  But the people and activities we love always get prioritized above the general public. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider reaching out to strangers — not just to speak with them, but to compliment them.
1. You know how great it feels when a stranger compliments YOU.
It's always nice when your aunt or your bestfriend tells you that you have a gorgeous smile, or how that tux makes you look like a stud, or that your smile is contagious.  But, when a COMPLETE stranger takes a second to offer genuine praise to you, it feels wonderful! Can you imagine walking in a mall, and a stranger sees you, stops you, and says "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice you have incredible hair! It looks great! Who is your stylist?" Compliments from strangers stick! Consider the power you have to offer that to someone else.
2. The snowball effect is real.

When something happens, it keeps happening. Tune into any gossip column, and as soon as they get wind of something about a celebrity, it snowballs. Soon enough, every magazine is covering that same story, and the story continues. However,  compliments, admiration, and genuine appreciation can snowball, too. You can’t change how the world works with one compliment, but every little bit of positivity can help. 
3. You never know whose crappy day you might change.
Offering a compliment to a stranger is a gift, no matter what. But because you’re reaching out to someone whose background is a total mystery, you never know how powerful your offering might become. That guy whose sweater you complimented? He could’ve been on his way to a big job interview, and your words may have shored his confidence. That girl who you told had great style? She could’ve been feeling like she wasn't good at anything. That boy you said had a great smile? He might have low self esteem. There’s no guarantee, but your act of kindness could be a total day-maker, and for all we know, it could even save a life.
4. Karma is real.
Even if you don’t believe in Karma in the original, reincarnation-related sense of the word, consider this: Those who pour nothing but negativity into the world are unlikely to be rewarded with gobs of love and kindness and success. Giving out compliments opens you up to receiving them. In fact, if you hand one out to a stranger and you might get one back right away.
5. You’d make your grandmother proud.
Being friendly with strangers is becoming an “old world” behavior, which means that it carries an elegance that most people find admirable. If you want to exude sophistication – and know that, somewhere, you gran is beaming at you – offer kind words to a stranger.
6. You might connect with someone totally amazing (or at least find out where she got her stuff).
Compliments are conversation starters! If the girl sitting next to you on the airplane is wearing a pretty bracelet, tell her so. Maybe she made it, or maybe she got it on sale and will tell you where to grab one for yourself. Maybe it’s an heirloom from her grandmother who was the queen of something. Maybe she’s allergic to it, but wants somebody else to have it. Who knows! Compliments are door-openers and can lead to fascinating conversations with marvelous people.
7. Tiny acts of bravery can lead to bigger ones.
You might not feel strong enough to quit your terrible job or chop off all your hair or move to a new city. Not today. But bravery is like a muscle: If you stretch it and build it up, it grows! Speaking with strangers can feel daunting, but if you push yourself to overcome that fear, your overall bravery level will rise. Soon you’ll be going to movies by yourself, taking dance lessons, flirting with ease. And, eventually, leaving behind your awful job and spent city in your bold new ‘do.

WARNING: I don’t advise handing out compliments to just anyone. If someone is giving you a crazy look or simply throws off a scary vibe, then don't do it!  Use good judgment and select your strangers wisely. But once you’ve glimpsed someone who has a marvelously intricate hairstyle or an enviable pair of shoes, and once you’ve decided she/he is a safe bet, take a chance. It could lead to great, great things. For both of you. :)

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